The 'official' blog for the group known as the SL Ponygirls Club in Second Life. To bring together the Ponygirl/boy and their owners in SL and run events for the love of the lifestyle.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A week long event at the BDSM Forum for ponies -
is pleased to host an open event for all Owners and Ponies.
We welcome all and hope that you can bring your ride and enjoy the
company of other owners and the several events that we are offering.
To register please fill in the and send it to Aria Lionheart
Mon - Sunday Nov 9th - 13th
Mon 10am - Fri 12 noon Forum Cross Country.
Sat 14th 12 noon - Pony Dressage
Sun 15th 10am Pretty Pony
Sun 15th 12 noon Party
Tyler Vox of Morbid Play Studios
------------------------------------------------- Forum Cross Country ----------------------------------------
The Cross country will take place all across the Forum Sim. It will be with Trainer/Owner riding along.
The event will be timed and all equipment needed will be provided. The course will be open On
Monday Morning at 10 am until noon Friday. Pony gets to choose when best to run for the least lag experience.
Ponyies may only do the course once and all times will be held until Sunday
--------------------------------------------------- Forum Dressage ------------------------------------------
The Dressage Event will be open to all Owners and ponies. There will be no seperation of the sexes as we are all equal. :-)
Each owner will be given the oportunity to Show off their Pony in the ring. There will be a 2 minute time limit per team.
A Group of Judges will take note and give a score.
---------------------------------------------------- Pretty Pony ------------------------------------------
This is for ponys and owners. Get up on stage and strut thier stuff. 3 Judges will appraise each pony and work very hard at commming up the best.
Pony's should remember that they are ponys and the judges will be looking for dress as well as how they behave.
There will be Prizes given out all events and the grand champion.
For those ponies who don't have owners and owners who don't have ponies..... we want you to come too. This is a chance to meet and get to know each other, pair up for an event and who knows what may come of it.
If you know of anyone interested in pony play and looking for something fun to do this weekend please feel free to pass this announcement on.
Thank you from the management of Forum and let's start the fun!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Pony column in the SLFetish Fashion Guide --
I would like to thank Deidre Young for her reminder of her blog, which contains a fabulous section done by Jaydana on a weekly basis about pony play.
Be sure to check it out, and here is the main link for the blog itself --
Take a look and I'll be sure to put up reminders as needed about this. Remember, if anyone has non-commercial blogs and such that relate to pony play, and you want to inform the club about it, let me know, and I'll get it up
- Eva
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Dari haus closing -- how to fix collar prior to June 12 site closer ..
Keeping Your Collar running PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darien Caldwell
Monday, 11 May 2009 18:42
The collar polls this website for diagnostic reasons. Now that Dari's Haus is closing, this website will also eventually close. Once this site is gone, the collar would produce an error on every TP, however, there is a simple fix to ensure your collar continues to work without this error.
Please Select Read More to be taken on a step-by-step guide.
Rez your collar on the ground.
Press Ctrl-Alt-T to make invisible things show as red highlight.
3. Then Right Click on the collar and choose Edit.
4. Check the box that says "Edit Linked Parts"
5. Select the Content Tab, then click on the lightly red ball that's usually near the center of the collar. This prim will be named "dari_node".
6. Inside is a script named "!".
7. Delete this script, by right clicking on it and choosing the delete option.
8. The collar will prompt to reload settings. Say 'done' to start the reload, and you're finished.
You can also opt to get a full perm version from the locations mentioned in the other article. However not all models are available. You could have a collectors item :)
Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 May 2009 17:23
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
SLPC Interview with Designer SubAlice Sands --
If any other designers wish to take time and do an interview with me for the SLPC, let me know.
2009/04/28 12:39] SubAlice Sands smiles
[2009/04/28 12:41] Evangeline Eldritch: Great, thanks again for taking the time to do this, and I do enjoy talking to a pony and designer of stuff. So, my first question, is -- How did you get started with pony play in SL and become a pony, and how long has this been a part of your interests?
[2009/04/28 12:42] SubAlice Sands came to SL just over 2 years ago because she had heard that there was a big BDSM community in SL
[2009/04/28 12:43] SubAlice Sands wandered round but wasn't that impressed with that she found mostly it seemed to be lots of naked noobs with free dicks
[2009/04/28 12:44] SubAlice Sands had not had much to do with pony play before but had read some articles about ponyplay and so was curious to see what SL had to offer
[2009/04/28 12:44] SubAlice Sands was surprised to find a number of stables even back 2 years ago went SL was still taking off
[2009/04/28 12:46] SubAlice Sands visited a few stables but AliKats were very helpful and helped her buy her first tack
[2009/04/28 12:47] Evangeline Eldritch: *laughs* Yes, definitely a few places with noobs and free dicks as I recall. So you have been Alikat since your time starting as a pony? Wonderful. Where were your first impressions and experiences while being a pony in an active stable in SL?
[2009/04/28 12:49] SubAlice Sands thinks that once she had her tack she was encouraged to look around at the others stable and recalls being introduced to miss button early on, but she liked the AK a lot and decided to rent a stall
[2009/04/28 12:50] SubAlice Sands thinks that at the time miss Alicia had only just moved the AK to its own island and so there was still work being done at a lot was happening
[2009/04/28 12:51] SubAlice Sands really enjoyed being a pony and being with her sisters and watching and learning
[2009/04/28 12:51] SubAlice Sands was at the AK long hours to start with and after about 3 weeks was taken into the stables as a full time stable pony
[2009/04/28 12:52] SubAlice Sands didn't sleep for 3 days when she was first made a stable pony!
[2009/04/28 12:53] Evangeline Eldritch: *grins* Sounds like a very busy and full time! When did you get into designing pony gear and what sorts of gear and products do you specialize in?
[2009/04/28 12:54] SubAlice Sands thinks that she watched miss Alicia build buildings and other items around the stables and a few others built too
[2009/04/28 12:55] SubAlice Sands thinks that this pony didn't feel she was much of a designer but started to play with prims
[2009/04/28 12:56] SubAlice Sands managed a few very rough items like benches and fences and then decided to get serious and build a cart
[2009/04/28 12:57] SubAlice Sands took a good while working on it and knew that a cart was limited to 31 prims including the AVs so it hard
[2009/04/28 12:57] SubAlice Sands spent a lot of time on the scripts to searching the scripting wiki for vehicle scripts and other ideas
[2009/04/28 12:58] SubAlice Sands had it mostly built in about 3 months after starting
[2009/04/28 12:58] SubAlice Sands then just kept testing it for a while
[2009/04/28 12:59] Evangeline Eldritch: Wonderful, so you build carts, which I've seen, and a very nice product. Do you specialize in other pony related products?
[2009/04/28 13:00] SubAlice Sands thinks that after the first cart she began work on the Pony Touch scripts
[2009/04/28 13:01] SubAlice Sands thinks that when she was first a pony many ponies used the Xcite! hair and tail scripts
[2009/04/28 13:01] SubAlice Sands thinks that the Xcite! hair script is really aimed at subs and slaves and the tail is more suited to puppy play
[2009/04/28 13:02] SubAlice Sands thinks that also each is about 10 scripts and she felt that she could make a script or scripts aimed at pony play with fewer scripts and more features
[2009/04/28 13:04] SubAlice Sands thinks that she had a version ready by the summer of 2007 which was 2 scripts and had plenty of features and that was the first product to go on sale
[2009/04/28 13:04] SubAlice Sands thinks that she gave it to miss Alicia to put in the AK vendors and the profits go to support the stables
[2009/04/28 13:06] Evangeline Eldritch: That's great. In your time as a pony in SL, have you seen things change in SL and pony play, and what are those, if so? What are the strong points and weak points do you find about pony training and interaction in SL? What would you suggest to improve it, if anything?
[2009/04/28 13:08] SubAlice Sands thinks that in 2 years SL has become more stable with much less downtime
[2009/04/28 13:08] SubAlice Sands recalls all those weds where SL was offline for hours
[2009/04/28 13:09] SubAlice Sands thinks that as for pony play in SL that some stables have gone and others have come to replace them
[2009/04/28 13:10] SubAlice Sands thinks that it has been good to see stable host events - 8 pines and wildpony have both put of a few recently and that is wonderful
[2009/04/28 13:12] SubAlice Sands is concerned on how the "adult" restrictions will hit the businesses in the ponyplay scene although she understands the need to make more effort to stop children be exposed to things that they shouldn't
[2009/04/28 13:13] Evangeline Eldritch: Yes, I agree. I am always happy to see more stables, individuals, and places hosting events. There's been some nice generation of activity lately. I also am concerned with how the new LL changes will affect things for us all. Okay, my next question. ;) As you look back over the past years in the sl pony play world what big innovations have you seen that made a difference as in tack and gear? when it comes to the ponies?
[2009/04/28 13:14] SubAlice Sands thinks that it has be more of an evolution
[2009/04/28 13:15] SubAlice Sands thinks that a pony now has much more choice and some of the older items are now discounted
[2009/04/28 13:15] SubAlice Sands thinks that there are 3 good bridles to choose from and many more hoofs, tails and harnesses
[2009/04/28 13:16] SubAlice Sands recalls that for a harness there was only really trilobite when she started for example
[2009/04/28 13:17] Evangeline Eldritch: Oh, yes, many changes have occurred, and it's great to see designers like yourself continuing to add and expand to the experience in SL and the community. What advice would you give anyone looking at getting into our world of pony play? in the sense of owner, or trainer or pony?
[2009/04/28 13:18] SubAlice Sands thinks that both ponies and trainers should take their time and look at what each stable has to offer
[2009/04/28 13:19] SubAlice Sands thinks that each stable has its own feel and someone new should see which suits them best
[2009/04/28 13:20] SubAlice Sands thinks that ponies in particular shouldn't be in any hurry to make a commitment
[2009/04/28 13:20] SubAlice Sands thinks that pony life is a slow pace of life and there is no rush
[2009/04/28 13:22] Evangeline Eldritch: What's your favorite activity of the pony activities in SL?
[2009/04/28 13:23] SubAlice Sands loves the cart track
[2009/04/28 13:24] SubAlice Sands does lap after lap and it is the time she goes into pony space
[2009/04/28 13:25] SubAlice Sands also built the cart track and some of the other events as well ;)
[2009/04/28 13:25] Evangeline Eldritch: *grins* Thanks for the picture. I'll include that with our interview. Ah, very nice! What other events did you build for here?
[2009/04/28 13:26] SubAlice Sands thinks that she built the AK barrel event and the slalom
[2009/04/28 13:27] SubAlice Sands thinks that miss Alicia has those on sale too along with the AK steeple that was build by Roslyn Korobase
[2009/04/28 13:30] Evangeline Eldritch: Great. Are there any events that are not in SL that you would like to see done or more of?
[2009/04/28 13:32] SubAlice Sands thinks that she is always having idea but is not sure what is practical
[2009/04/28 13:33] SubAlice Sands really liked the iron pony race idea and was sorry to have missed it but was not available at the time it was run
[2009/04/28 13:35] Evangeline Eldritch: Oh, yes, that was a very interesting idea that Marissa had there. What you would like to say to everyone out there in the pony play community in SL?
[2009/04/28 13:37] SubAlice Sands nuzzles all the ponies and puts on her pleading look to all the trainers in the hopes of getting some apples
[2009/04/28 13:38] Evangeline Eldritch laughs and leans over to toss you a few apple slices. "You more than deserve them for taking the time to talk to me. It is appreciated, and in closing, do you have up and coming ideas for your design work that you would like to mention?
[2009/04/28 13:39] SubAlice Sands is working on a two pony cart with a difference but it still needs some work and testing ;)
[2009/04/28 13:40] Evangeline Eldritch: Ah, I look forward to seeing that, and thank you again for your time, SubAlice.
[2009/04/28 13:41] SubAlice Sands is happy to give her time and help make pony play in SL richer for everyone
[2009/04/28 13:43] Evangeline Eldritch: Wonderful, I'll get this up in the blog by tonight at the earliest, and the group too, or tomorrow at the latest.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Censorship of terms in search to nonverified SL members --
"Lindens are censoring our world in the name of protecting Adults from Adult material. BDSM, ponyplay, ponygirl and other words are now censored in search unless you are verified. "
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Linden Lawyer Discusses SL's Coming Content Regulation
Sexed Down: Second Life's Latest Release Candidate Hides "Adult" Content From Unverified Users; A Linden Lawyer Discusses SL's Coming Content Regulation (Updated)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Feb/March Interview Spotlight with Alicia Delphin --
- Evangeline Eldritch
How did you get started in pony play in Second life, and I know that you possess experience with pony girls and boys in real life as well, how did you get started there, and how long has this been a part of your life?
My RL experience with ponies dates back to about 20 years ago. I found myself working as a Domme who was approached by a crossdresser wishing to enter bondage, but not necessarily being tied up and bound. I dressed her as a pony and fast found a new fascination as she entered a deep sense ponyspace. I continued to add pony experience throught my years working in the lifestyle until I met two fabulous ponygirls with whom I still shoot occasional pony scenes and give pony demonstrations.
One of those ponies brought me to SL to see what she was exploring through SL. I realized soon it wasn't the life for her, and thought I could add my experience to the community. My pony has since left SL, but I hope that through the AK, we continue to offera view of BDSM and pony play for those interested to explore.
How did you get the idea for starting Alikat Stables, and how long have you been in operation? Also could you tell us about your vision and idea for the stable, and how it continues to grow? Is the stable a public or private facility?
AliKat stables was started with the idea of offering a place of friendship, communication and focused ponyplay. Too often I found pony play to be about "looking pretty", "you've been bad, and must be whipped or caged" or "dress like a pony and be tied up/have sex" in SL. I have never believed that to be what ponyplay was about (though admittedly it is my vision, and play can involve those things...just not exclusively.) So the best solution I could come up with was to offer my own vision of pony play. For over 2.5 years now, we have offered our brand of pony play: Friendship, trust, and communication. I hope to continue this philosophy, and continue to innovate the training process much as I do in RL.
We have come a long way from that 8192 sq m island to now span 5 island sims, 18 full time ponies and over 60 boarded ponies; public facilities for training, discussions, play or just socializing. Most importantly, we talk about our goals, and pony play is allowed to evolve to adapt to the needs of each and every pony. We hope to have developed a system that is applicable to any pony's desires and vision of their pony life. I have assembled a staff I cannot be more proud of or trusting to care for the ponies under the stable's collar.
What do you look for ponies and trainers and anyone else interested in joining Alikat Stables, and what types of activities does the Stable do? If anyone were interested in joining the stable, what should they do and what is looked for?
Above all they must share my philosophy of pony play. They must be patient, dedicated, believe that whipping a pony for punishment is the fault of the trainer, not the pony. We operate on the positive re-inforcement system, shaping ponies to be their best...sometimes that is more than a quiet passive sub. I have always belived that subs and ponies are different, forgive the pun, beasts.
Joining us is easy. Let us know, and then be yourself. If it is right, then the AK won't feel like a place to be, but a home. That is my make a home for like minded ponies and trainers to have an enjoyable time.
What kind of activities do you hold at Alikat and how often?
We try to have one to two competition style events each week as RL allows. MOre and more often we have discussions with guest speakers to expand everyone's knowledge of BDSM and to give those who wish a forum to ask questions and give perspectives to others. Above all we try to be social. No one is turned away as long as they are respectful of others.
Any advice out there for anyone new to pony play and even old alike? In the sense of owner, trainer, groom, or pony or any role really?
Patience. There is no need to rush into things. A collar is precious beyond all. It should mean here what it means in RL. A committment on both sides. A contract of understanding, trust and patience. Make sure you are comfortable...when that happens you'll be able to let go and truly search yourself.
What would you like to say to everyone out there in the pony play community in SL?
This is a wonderful and diverse community that I am proud to be part of. I want to thank everyone for their contributions and support. The outreach shown by most stables is breath taking considering the most we see of each other is a digital image and a few words. We are all exquisite as a whole.
Where do you see pony play growing and continuing in the future?
It is hard to say. With talented scripters and builders pony play seems to only become more realistic with each passing day. I feel it has strayed away from the trust and bond between trainer and pony sometimes. It is my hope this swings back the other way and the beauty of ponies becomes more personal again.
How have you brought your RL experience into pony training in SL, and also your year of experience with training horses? Has that influenced you at all in training pony girls and boys?
I've trained dressage ponies and jumping horses as far backs as I can remember. My time with training horses with the native americans however is where i draw the most influence from. I firmly believe in befrending a pony more than breaking them; in observing them to learn about them before attempting to insert myself into their lives. Every pony is unique and special...and every pony is as devious as the horses they emulate. I cherish every personality i'm gifted the chance to discover.
As you look back over the time passing in pony play in SL, such as tack and gear, what you changes have you seen since beginning?
Have you found any differences from training ponies in SL as opposed to RL, and could you tell us some of the differences from that, and perhaps how SL can add to the experience or how it differs?
What do you see as the strong points of pony play in SL and the weak points, and any advice?
IN RL i love looking at the pony's body language and getting a feel for their state of being. I also miss the chance to just scratch a mane or a soft pat on the flanks. Not to mention I miss the latex and leather smell.
Could you describe for us your training technique if you don't mind or perhaps your philosophy about it?
Successive approximations...small steps leading to big actions. We reward a pony for moving in the right direction just as much as we do for the correct behavior. We develop trust, often interacting without training for weeks developing a bond between trainer and pony. We also spend so much of our time just talking and feeling out what the pony is really after in their life style. Above all communication is key to what we are after. Its not our pony life...its theirs. I try not to let my trainers visions of a pony become what they train.
What's your favorite activity of the pony activities in SL?
I am partial to water work, but I enjoy the grooming most. It is the most intimate pony moment in my opinion; truly demonstrating the care and worth placed on a pony. Its my chance to give back to them all they give to me when pulling a cart or working on their steps on the trainers.
Any suggestions or advice for what could be improved in pony play in SL or see more of? Anything that you see to be improved upon?
There is a lack of ponyplay in the community at times. And I am not excluding the AK from that statetment. I hope in the future we can have more group activities that mimic those in RL. More pony play training activities and less competition and beauty contests. Again I am just as guilty of falling into that trap and start the finger pointed at myself. I'll start by challenging me and my staff to take that first step.
Please tell us any words you have or would like to say and I thank you for taking out of your time to do an interview for the SLPC and the blog.
We are an amazing group, both D and s; ponies and trainer. Thank you all again for what you've given to this community and to the AK and its staff. We wouldn't be where we are without everyone in this group/community.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Blog entry from Ponyboy Rusty on Reina of Niuka's Central Park Pony event --
I got the pleasure of handling and meeting Rusty last year, and here's his blog entry on it --
Linden Lab's changes for adult content --
Camp Crucible 2009 --
The site information is at --
The pony camp is certainly worth the experience as I found out last year, and Reina and I from Niuka should both be there.
Registration opens up on March 14th, 2009.
Monday, March 2, 2009
February update --
I'd like anyone with meeting places and ideas to contact me, and I'd especially like ideas as well. Due to RL reasons, some of the officers have been busy, and I'd like to get some ideas and opportunities going.
So, just IM me, or drop a notecard, Even if I'm not on, I'll get the message and will get back to you. Yes, spring fever time for the SLPC Chairwoman.
- Eva
Sunday, January 4, 2009
January SLPC Monthly Spotlight - Button Wright
Our first person to be featured is Button Wright, Stable Mistress for the Frilly Filly Farm. Thanks to her and the permission of Maxim Tracy, I'm going to reprint an interview that Maxim did with Button in Summer of 2008.
Stay tuned, and more to come in the next months.
- Eva.
Hello, as part of our ongoing monthly spotlight on various people that are involved in the pony play community in SL, all parts of it, I have had the honor of having Button Wright of Frilly Filly Farm agree to be our first person featured. I find this to be a fitting start as Button is one of the sweetest and hard-working people that I know in running her stable and being involved in and with ponies. I've personally always enjoyed getting to know her and her input in invaluable.
The following interview was first printed in an SL magazine called BDSL Magazine in the Summer 2008 issue and done by Maxim Tracy. It is reprinted here with the permission of both Button and Maxim. I'd like to thank Maxim for letting us use it.
I've copied the interview here as well as included the original notecard done by Maxim at the bottom of this.
There will more to come each month. I'd like to cover various people, from just anyone that loves pony play, to ponies, owners, grooms, trainers, designers of pony gear.. you get the picture. ;)
- Evangeline
[17:18] You: First question ... how did you noticed ponyplay ?
[17:18] Button Wright: do you mean how did I get started?
[17:18] You: yes how did it start
[17:19] Button Wright: I came to SL in September of 2006 and there were many from the BDSM community moving here at that time
[17:20] Button Wright: I became interested in the BDSM sites in SL and eventually started visiting ponygirl stables
[17:20] Button Wright: I had a slave who wanted to be a ponygirl
[17:21] Button Wright: so I went looking for a trainer
[17:21] Button Wright: I met Miss Faye at Frilly Filly and she suggested I study training and train my girl myself
[17:22] Button Wright: we both wanted to be ponygirls but I also wanted to learn to train
[17:23] Button Wright: Miss Faye was kind enough to teach me
[17:23] Button Wright: that was in November 2006
[17:24] Button Wright: that is how I began
[17:25] You: So you started as a pony yourself under protection of Miss Faye?
[17:25] Button Wright: I wanted to be a pony but only did it once in a while to learn training
[17:26] Button Wright: we trainers would take turns in tack learning from each other
[17:27] Button Wright: learning how to use the KDC bridle was my first big challenge
[17:28] Button Wright: Even Faye would get into tack once in a while
[17:28] Button Wright: It is her in tack that is the flag for Frilly Filly
[17:29] You: Faye is the old Stable Mistress ?
[17:29] Button Wright: yes she was stable mistress when I got there
[17:30] Button Wright: she is the founder of Frilly Filly
[17:30] You: So she build it all and start to make a place for ponys.
[17:30] Button Wright: yes
[17:30] Button Wright: she had been a ponygirl and started her own stable
[17:31] Button Wright: She was a pony at Black Rose stable
[17:32] You: Ah a pony from Mel
[17:32] Button Wright: yes Mel Melville has been a stable owner longest
[17:32] Button Wright: but she is not the first
[17:38] You: I hear that there are an old way and a new way to train ponygirls. What is the difference between them and how was you trained ?
[17:39] Button Wright: I do not know about old and new ways
[17:40] Button Wright: ponygirls have always been trained
[17:40] Button Wright: I learned Faye's way
[17:41] You: Are there any differences between the training she did and now ?
[17:41] Button Wright: I am gentler than Faye
[17:42] You: that means ?
[17:42] Button Wright: I try to understand the pony's needs
[17:42] Button Wright: Faye felt a pony was there to do as they were told
[17:43] Button Wright: So I have preferred trainers who are gentle, caring and loving
[17:44] Button Wright: we tried to have a strict training program in FFF when we had trainers who preferred it
[17:44] Button Wright: so ponies and trainers could choose
[17:45] Button Wright: but the strict trainers have no leadership right now
[17:45] Button Wright: Other stables offer more strict programs
[17:46] Button Wright: Mel calls us pony-lite
[17:46] You: Now for all new ponys out there could you tell me what you need basicly to start ?
[17:46] Button Wright: A ponygirl needs a good set of tack
[17:46] Button Wright: to make the transformation
[17:47] Button Wright: at least foot hooves
[17:47] Button Wright: a tail
[17:47] Button Wright: a harness for attaching to carts
[17:47] Button Wright: and a bridle with a bit and reins commands
[17:47] Button Wright: a pony AO is essential
[17:48] Button Wright: and pony sounds really help get into the role
[17:48] Button Wright: I love to hear ponies whinny and neigh
[17:48] Button Wright: it thrills me in a physical way
[17:49] Button Wright: the bit in the mouth prevents normal chat
[17:49] Button Wright: so a ponygirl has to find a more animal way of communicating
[17:49] Button Wright: which is essential to being successful
[17:50] Button Wright: when you can only communicate the most basic feelings of happy, upset, yes and no, you can shed a lot of your human cares
[17:50] You: Now you are the Stable Mistress of Frilly Filly Farm. How did you become the Stable Mistress after being a pony and trainer yourself ?
[17:51] Button Wright: Last spring Miss Faye had to spend time away from SL and asked me to run the farm in her absence
[17:52] Button Wright: when she came back she still could not take control again - she didn't have enough online time
[17:52] Button Wright: then there was a financial crisis
[17:52] Button Wright: and I asked the membership to help out
[17:53] Button Wright: members responded generously and contributed the money we needed
[17:53] Button Wright: they just gave it to me
[17:53] Button Wright: I was overwhelmed by their trust and support
[17:54] Button Wright: so we bought the land and I turned Frilly Filly into a membership owned group
[17:54] Button Wright: I manage the place and am the owner on paper
[17:54] Button Wright: but the membership contributes the money
[17:55] Button Wright: eventually Faye just retired
[17:55] You: So FFF starts to be an open ponyplace for homeless pony when you turned it into an open Area for all ?
[17:55] Button Wright: our stable has always been open to all well-mannered guests
[17:56] Button Wright: and we have never charged fees for training, stalls, or vendors
[17:56] You: So FFF was always open and not like other privat stalls ?
[17:56] Button Wright: but instead of a single owner, we are now a group owned facility
[17:56] You: So FFF was always open and not like other privat stalls ?
[17:57] Button Wright: Most stables in SL allow guests to visit
[17:57] Button Wright: as long as they follow stable rules
[17:59] You: Now how many stables are out there ?
[17:58] Button Wright: ponyplay in SL is a large open community
[17:58] Button Wright: we have a club that coordinates activities between stables
[17:59] Button Wright: I do not know how many there are
[17:59] Button Wright: there are some large and some small
[18:00] Button Wright: so there are always stables starting up and closing
[18:00] Button Wright: some are just personal stables for an owner and his or her ponies
[18:01] Button Wright: some are large facilities like FFF
[18:01] Button Wright: FFF has doubled in size in the past year
[18:01] You: Are there any activitys between the stables ?
[18:02] Button Wright: yes the SL Ponygirls Club coordinates activities that are for all ponies in SL
[18:02] Button Wright: Some stables hold open events that all are welcome to attend and participate
[18:02] Button Wright: Today AliKat stable had a polo game
[18:03] Button Wright: twice a year the club holds a pony olympics
[18:05] Button Wright: so there is much to do and learn and many friends to make in SL Ponyplay
[18:05] Button Wright: it is a vibrant community with many different people involved
[18:06] Button Wright: FFF alone has over 300 members
[18:11] You: Could you tell me a bit abouth the training you offer ?
[18:12] Button Wright: I see Frilly Filly as a place for beginning ponygirls
[18:13] Button Wright: we have many highly skilled competition ponies like Jo
[18:13] Button Wright: but we seldom turn new girls away
[18:13] Button Wright: so we stress the basics
[18:14] Button Wright: we teach girls how to get the tack they need
[18:14] Button Wright: and how to behave like a ponygirl
[18:14] Button Wright: then we teach them basic pony activities
[18:14] Button Wright: carting, slalom, steeplechase and dressage
[18:15] Button Wright: some decide to try to excel at one or more activities
[18:15] Button Wright: others just want to pull their owner around the farm with a cart
[18:16] Button Wright: some learn and move on
[18:16] Button Wright: activities like slalom and steeplechase can be very intense
[18:16] Button Wright: and take many months of practice
[18:17] Button Wright: but a pony can learn all the basics in a few lessons
[18:17] Button Wright: A lot of ponyplay is not the activites but the caring relationship between a trainer or owner and their ponies
[18:18] Button Wright: I spend a lot of my time grooming the ponies
[18:18] Button Wright: brushing out their manes, bathing them, and giving them treats
[18:21] Button Wright: I like to stress carting
[18:21] Button Wright: we have built a lot more carting trails at FFF
[18:21] Button Wright: and I feel any pony needs to be able to provide a pleasant ride with a cart
[18:22] Button Wright: so we provide a variety of carts and an extensive set of trails
[18:23] You: In all this activities what do you like most ?
[18:23] Button Wright: I like dressage
[18:24] Button Wright: Dressage is like a dance done with a pony and a trainer
[18:24] Button Wright: the trainer leads and the pony follows
[18:25] Button Wright: it requires concentration and comunication between the two
[18:32] You: How do people become a pony or a trainer at FFF ?
[18:32] Button Wright: we have a training note that tells potential ponygirls what they need to know
[18:33] Button Wright: after they read that I do a intake interview to make sure we are the right stable for them
[18:33] Button Wright: no pony joins FFF without my approval
[18:33] Button Wright: trainers start the same way
[18:34] Button Wright: we start trainers as either grooms or student trainers
[18:35] Button Wright: as such, they can meet and interact with ponygirls and watch trainers
[18:35] Button Wright: when they have shown themselves to fit in and can do basic training, we make them a trainer
[18:36] Button Wright: trainers who master all the basics and the farm philosophy become promoted to senior trainers
[18:37] Button Wright: this three tiered program allows us to teach trainers without holding special classes for them
[18:37] Button Wright: the senior trainers become responsible for the new student trainers
[18:38] Button Wright: this allows me to focus on managing the sim
[18:38] Button Wright: and dealing with the interperonal dynamics
[18:38] Button Wright: I spend most of my online time in IMs with members of the group
[18:38] Button Wright: the blank Button stare
[18:39] Button Wright: as i handle multiple IMs and try to stay involved in the local chat